Join us for dinner, dessert and dancing with SILENT DISCO!! Enjoy snapping memories in the photo booth, shopping the silent auction, and walking the cake walk. This is a joy filled time for the whole family to gather, connect and grow! Adult tickets are $22 and tickets for children are $12 (children 2 and under are free). Tickets for the photo booth and cake walk are sold separately at the event - $3 per ticket or 2 for $5.
Funds raised from this event go toward tuition assistance, student supplies, and overall growth and development as Seven Peaks' projected student body looks to triple in size for the 2024-2025 school year. The funds raised will aid in a successful start to the new year, and we are grateful for your prayer and financial support as we advance.
Students from the Love Your Neighbor elective class are planning this event and look forward to seeing you!